Energising your mall through the power of the God of Thunder (other options are available!)
The hardest thing to do with a shopping centre at times is to make use of large empty units - putting on large scale events such as a Comic-Con not only animates this spaces for a significantly lower cost than you would imagine, but also brings in large levels of footfall often from people who have never or rarely visited the centre - giving you the chance to showcase the centre's offer to them and give them a reason to come back after the event.
When we have put on Comic-Conventions inside shopping centres we have brought impressive footfall increases and spend with tenants (more so if those tenants come on board and merchandise their units accordingly.)
We've worked on many projects over the last 6 years from turning empty units into cinemas (both free with spends in the centres or chargable to the public) to events such as the above - all bring their own offer which can really benefit retailers, all are something a little different and provide us with the opportunity to deliver our promise - We never put on an event we wouldn't be happy to attend ourselves... it's all about having fun!
We're looking now into events for Autumn and Winter but do have a few opportunities in between now and the end of summer - challenge us to energise your mall!